What is Hospital Infection Control?

Hospital Infection Control Definition

What is hospital infection control?

Hospital infection control refers to a systematic strategy of techniques and practices designed to limit the transmission of germs. The goal is to reduce the likelihood of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in healthcare settings.

Key Considerations

Hospital infection control may include implementing isolation precautions for patients with known or suspected diseases, using personal protective equipment (PPE), and strictly adhering to hand hygiene guidelines. Assuring a clean and sanitary setting for medical procedures also includes washing, disinfecting, and sterilizing the necessary tools and surfaces.

Surveillance and monitoring of infection within the facility and discovering and tracking outbreaks are also part of hospital infection control. It allows for early diagnosis and a quick response to stop the spread. Prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases also involves vaccination programs for healthcare workers, patients, and the general public.

Infection control in hospitals is a team effort that draws on the expertise of many fields, including medicine, epidemiology, microbiology, and infection prevention and control. Together, these people create and uphold regulations, train and educate others, and foster an environment where safety and responsibility flourish.

The purpose of infection control in hospitals is to prevent the spread of disease and ensure the safety of all those who enter and leave the facility. Hospitals can reduce the number of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), boost patient outcomes, and strengthen healthcare quality and safety by applying best practices in infection control.


Hospital Infection Control
Hospital Infection Control

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